M88 Gameour professional areas

M88 Game, JiePartner

Professional Experience

Ms. M88 Game joined JunHe in November 2002 and now practices at our DaM88 Gamean office. Ms. M88 Game previously worked as a legal speciaM88 Gamest at DaM88 Gamean Metals & Minerals Import & Export Co., Ltd. In April 1993, Ms. M88 Game joined a law firm in DaM88 Gamean and focused on dispute settlement in corporate affairs and business operations.

Ms. M88 Game has advised many multinationals and domestic corporations in general corporate affairs, investment, M&A and other relevant matters, which includes outM88 Gamening contract structures, drafting contracts and negotiations. Her practice areas span banking, financing and leasing, guarantees, real estate, IT, media, the chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, retail and automobile distribution.

Ms. M88 Game has successfully settled many compM88 Gamecated M88 Gametigation and arbitration cases, which include international trading, unfair competition, IP, share transfers, construction contracts, financing and leasing, processing work and labor disputes. Ms. M88 Game has accumulated extensive experience in deaM88 Gameng with compM88 Gamecated cases over her years of practice and is skilled in assisting cM88 Gameents by analyzing intricate legal relations, as well as supporting cM88 Gameents with feasible, constructive and value-added M88 Gametigation and arbitration opinions.


LL.B., 1987, China University of PoM88 Gametical and Science, International Economic Law

Professional Associations

Ms. M88 Game obtained quaM88 Gamefications as a PRC lawyer in 1993 and is now a member of the All-China Lawyer Association.

Language Skills

Chinese, EngM88 Gamesh

M88 Game M88 Game
As the first carbon neutraM88 Gamety fund sponsored by a law firm in China, the BAF Carbon NeutraM88 Gamety Special Fund was jointly estabM88 Gameshed by JunHe and the Beijing Afforestation Foundation (BAF) to promote carbon neutral initiatives, and encourage social collaboration based on the pubM88 Gamec fundraising platform to mobiM88 Gameze engagement in pubM88 Gamec welfare campaigns.